Bolormaa Luvsandorj
Founder @ KITE Mongolia
Bolormaa Luvsandorj is a founder of KITE Mongolia LLC, investor and “accidental producer” of movies. With over 25+ years of experience in banking, she has held C-level positions in major financial institutions, such as Golomt Financial Group, Development Bank of Mongolia, and Deutsche Bank (Tokyo, NY). She is a Chairperson of Golomt Asset Management LLC and Developing Entrepreneurial Mongolia (DEM) NBFI, and serves as IFC Nominee Director at TBC UZ, a leading digital bank in Uzbekistan. Bolormaa is a leading voice on social innovation and women empowerment in the country. Bolormaa received a Polar Order by the Government of Mongolia, Spirit Order by the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce & Industry and an IWEC Awardee from Mongolia in 2017.